Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hanging out the (brain) washing

Unfortunately, virtually all human beings are completely brainwashed, braindead, and incapable of independent thought processes, even simple ones.  For example, consider this one.
Any human who cannot look straight in the face of any and every other human being on planet earth and clearly see someone in the exact same situation as himself (authority wise), is insane.  In other words, nobody on earth has authority over me, and I have no authority over anyone else.
Yet virtually the entire world has completely internalized the completely insane notion that some people have authority over them, and they have authority over others, even though this notion can be quite easily demonstrated to be absurd, and even obvious, given just a little clear thought.
You come to exist by being born.  That is how all other humans came to exist.  The mere symmetry of this observation is sufficient to demonstrate that nobody else has any more basis to claim authority over you than you have to claim authority over them.  This is not rocket science, this is pre-first-grade common sense, and should remain common sense throughout a lifetime.  And this would remain clear if not for incessant mental abuse by parents, teachers, media-mouthpieces and other self-proclaimed (and widely-proclaimed) authorities... none of whom are authorities.  It is the classic case of "if you repeat a lie a sufficient number of times, humans will believe it, no matter how absurd is your lie".  Add to that endless pressure and punishment for refusing to acknowledge the authority of others over yourself over a childhood and subsequent life, and the brain damage is complete.  Clearly only an infinitesimal smattering of human beings managed to hold onto their senses and see reality and human interactions for what they are.
Well, at this point, essentially the entire world of human beings is completely insane, and so even well-meaning presentations like this one assume and presume completely insane ideas, including "authority", and including the pretence that "governments" and "corporations" and "central banks" and other "organizations" actually exist.  Even though, as it turns out, fundamental law has correctly identified all organizations as "fictitious entities" for hundreds of years (yes, even though "law" is another pure fiction).  And in case you aren't sure about this, a "fiction" does not exist.  Examples: Santa Claus, any government, the federal reserve, the list is nearly endless.
So, what does exist?
the universe
... and finally, producers who create everything that predators and parasites demand, and that everyone (predators, parasites and producers) needs to survive, prosper and enjoy life a bit.  Never forget:
predators need producers, otherwise they starve to death
parasites need producers, otherwise they starve to death
producers gain zero benefit from predators or parasites
The honest producers are being crushed under the weight of the predators and parasites.  Why have the producers let things get so far out of whack, when everyone depends entirely on them?  Simple.  The producers need to focus most if not all the time and effort on reality to guide their actions and assure they are as productive and efficient as possible.  Meanwhile, the predators and parasites can spend full time dreaming up ways to steal from they producers without letting them catch on what suckers they are, or how craven and diabolical they are.  And do remember, the producers were driven insane in childhood too, so they're not especially well prepared to understand they're just prey to be consumed by human predators and parasites.
Will the producers wake up?  Extremely unlikely.  Not in sufficient numbers.  Almost certainly, humans are finished.  Humans probably could have amounted to more than a hill of beans in this universe, maybe even something spectacular, but instead flushed themselves down the toilet.  Too many sheeple-chimps, too little honesty, ethics, individualism, independence, benevolence.

from comments on zh