Monday, December 22, 2014


 Poverty is not caused by men and women getting married; it's not caused by machinery; it's not caused by "over-production"; it's not caused by drink or laziness; and it's not caused by "over-population". It's caused by Private Monopoly. That is the present system. They have monopolized everything that it is possible to monopolize; they have got the whole earth, the minerals in the earth and the streams that water the earth. The only reason they have not monopolized the daylight and the air is that it is not possible to do it. If it were possible to construct huge gasometers and to draw together and compress within them the whole of the atmosphere, it would have been done long ago, and we should have been compelled to work for them in order to get money to buy air to breathe. And if that seemingly impossible thing were accomplished tomorrow, you would see thousands of people dying for want of air - or of the money to buy it - even as now thousands are dying for want of the other necessities of life. You would see people going about gasping for breath, and telling each other that the likes of them could not expect to have air to breathe unless the had the money to pay for it. Most of you here, for instance, would think and say so. Even as you think at present that it's right for so few people to own the Earth, the Minerals and the Water, which are all just as necessary as is the air. In exactly the same spirit as you now say: "It's Their Land," "It's Their Water," "It's Their Coal," "It's Their Iron," so you would say "It's Their Air," "These are their gasometers, and what right have the likes of us to expect them to allow us to breathe for nothing?" And even while he is doing this the air monopolist will be preaching sermons on the Brotherhood of Man; he will be dispensing advice on "Christian Duty" in the Sunday magazines; he will give utterance to numerous more or less moral maxims for the guidance of the young. And meantime, all around, people will be dying for want of some of the air that he will have bottled up in his gasometers. And when you are all dragging out a miserable existence, gasping for breath or dying for want of air, if one of your number suggests smashing a hole in the side of one of th gasometers, you will all fall upon him in the name of law and order, and after doing your best to tear him limb from limb, you'll drag him, covered with blood, in triumph to the nearest Police Station and deliver him up to "justice" in the hope of being given a few half-pounds of air for your trouble.” 
― Robert Tressell, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

Monday, December 8, 2014

What school do you go to?

Land ownership is in fact the very basis of the British class system. It is also the fundamental basis of Andrew Mitchell's "pleb" outburst.
You see the core issue is that in Public Schoolboy parlance, a "pleb" was a pupil who was not a member of the "landed classes" i.e. the titled lot with big estates. If you didn't own a big chunk of the British countryside, then you were a "pleb", a nothing, in Public Schoolboy parlance, no matter how much money your family had.
This theme was continued in the English public schools of the 18th and 19th Centuries, Ian Brookes, consultant editor at Collins Language, said.
He said: "In public school parlance, a pleb was a pupil who was not a member of the landed classes."
On 26 November I explained on a Hadley Freeman article on the Guardian, why landownership was the fundamental basis of the British Class System. Hadley who is an American who has lived in Britain for a long time, had expressed bafflement at the British obsession with class, and why what school a 60 year old man had been sent to, was so important. I explained it was all about land ownership.
You will then notice that I was viciously attacked by a Countryside Alliance astroturfer, who has been pursuing me for some time under various pseudonyms for pointing this out.
I had used an unlikely reference to explain this, Country Life magazine.
What we do know, however, is that the aristocracy and the Royal Family still play an important role in the ownership of our country. More than a third of land is still in the hands of aristocrats and traditional landed gentry. Indeed, the 36,000 members of the CLA own about 50% of the rural land in England and Wales.
The CLA is the Country Landowner's Association. They run the annual "Game Fair", the biggest show of its type for the "Huntin, Shootin, Fishin" crowd in the world.
Whilst the Wikipedia page says not to be confused with the Countryside Alliance, this is misleading and false. Exactly the same major figures are behind both organizations, Britain's wealthiest, and titled landowners. They maybe different organizations, but the same key figures are behind both.
Also the same key figures are behind the British Establishment, and the Conservative Party. Whilst these entities may look different, in fact the same key powerful figures are behind all of them. It is the very basis, the essence of the British Class System - and it is exactly the same clique running all of them. It is like one great big club. Everyone else is just a "Pleb" as far as they are concerned. We are simply a bunch of "plebs" to these people, who don't count, something they wipe of the bottom of their shoes.
All this democracy rubbish and everyone is equal under the law, is just one great big sham. It's just a con to deceive the "plebs", and to stop them revolting against the system, and overthrowing this "secret club" that has run Britain for the last 1000 years. I kid you not.
That is what the Domesday Book was about nearly 1000 years ago, who owns Britain. It was the obsession of William the Conqueror, and it has been the obsession of those that have ruled Britain for the last 1000 years or more.

Land is the fountain of youth. It belongs to your children's children..... not you. A major portion of your life should be dedicated to attaining it for them.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

fuck money

six steps to fuck money

Wake up and get wise to your situation. money OWNS you..... and its time to tell it to FUCK OFF!

Find free food - grow or forage, hunt or fish if you must. know what you can eat that grows locally. know where your next meal is coming from.

Draw up your PCP (Personal Capitulation Plan) - disinvestment - no stocks, no shares, no bonds or certificates. 

Liquidate your possessions - second homes, second cars and all your useless leisure toys. turn it all into cash.

Foreclose on your life - cut up your cards, close your accounts and cancel your subscriptions. We don't need money to have a good time.

Spread the message - try to convince your family and friends to fuck money too!

Actions speak louder than money - the rich will buy gold... the wealthy will buy food and fuel.... while the poor go shoplifting.

Remember... politicians, lawyers, priests and bankers are all out to fuck you over

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The reasons we fight

Throughout our lives and throughout our culture, we are conditioned to rally around concepts of false division. We are led to believe that Democrats and Republicans are separate and opposing parties, yet they are actually two branches of the same political-control mechanism. We are led to believe that two nations such as the United States and Russia are geopolitical enemies, when, in fact, they are two puppet governments under the dominance of the same international financiers. Finally, we are told that the international bankers themselves are somehow separated by borders and philosophies, when the reality is all central banks answer to a singular authority: the Bank Of International Settlements (BIS).
We are regaled with stories of constant conflict and division. Yet the truth is there is only one battle that matters, only one battle that has ever mattered: the battle between those people who seek to control others and those people who simply wish to be left alone.
The “New World Order” is a concept created not in the minds of “conspiracy theorists” but in the minds of those who seek to control others. These are the self-appointed elite who fancy themselves grandly qualified to determine the destiny of every man, woman and child at the expense of individual freedom and self-determination.  Such elites are often very open about their globalist intentions and ambitions, much like author H.G. Wells, a socialist member of the Fabian Society and friend to the internationalist establishment who put forth his blueprint for world governance in the book quoted above.  In this article, I would like to examine the nature of our war with the elite and why their theories on social engineering are illogical, inadequate and, in many cases, malicious and destructive.
The ‘Greater Good’
I have always found it fascinating that while elitists and NWO champions constantly proclaim that morality is relative and that conscience is not inherent, somehow they are the ones who possess the proper definition of the “greater good.” If “good” is in all cases relative, then wouldn’t the “greater good” also be entirely relative? This inconsistency in their reasoning does not seem to stop them from forcing the masses through propaganda or violence to accept their version of better judgment.
As many psychologists and anthropologists (including Carl Jung and Steven Pinker) have proven over decades of study, moral compass and conscience are not mere products of environment; they are inborn ideals outside of the realm of environmental influences. The greater good is inherently and intuitively felt by most people. Whether one listens to this voice of conscience is up to the individual.
It is no accident that NWO elites end up contradicting themselves by claiming morality to be meaningless while pronouncing THEIR personal morality to be pure. In order to obtain power over others, they must first convince members of the public that they are empty vessels without meaning or direction. They must convince the masses to ignore their inner voice of conscience. Only then will the public sacrifice freedoms to purchase answers they don’t really need from elites who don’t really have them.
I don’t claim to know what ideology would make a perfect society, and I certainly don’t know the exact solutions needed to get there. What I do know, though, is that no one else knows either. Whenever anyone takes a stage to announce that only he has the answers to the world’s problems, I cannot help but be suspicious of his motives. Rarely, if ever, do I hear these people suggest that more liberty and more individualism will make a better future. Instead, their solution always entails less freedom, more control, and more force in order to mold society towards their vision.
The utopia offered by the power elite invariably demands a collectivist mindset that the individual must give up his self-determination and independence so the group can survive and thrive. The problem is no society, culture or collective can exist without the efforts and contributions of individuals. Therefore, the liberty and prosperity of the individual is far more important than the safety or even existence of the group.
The elites understand this fact, which is why they do reserve some individuality (for their own tiny circle).
No matter the guise presented — whether it be socialism, communism, fascism or some amalgamation of each — the goal is always the same: collectivism and slavery for the masses and unrestrained gluttony for the oligarchs.
The Philosophy Of Force
If your idea of a better society is a good and rational one, you should not need to use force in order to get people to accept it. Only intrinsically destructive ideas require the use of force to frighten the public into compliance. The NWO is an idea that relies entirely on force.
Globalization has been consistently sold to us as part of the natural progression of mankind, yet this “natural progression” is always advanced through the use of lies, manipulation, fear and violence. The NWO concept is one of complete centralization, a centralization that cannot be achieved without the use of terror, for who would support the creation of a malicious global power authority unless he was terrorized into doing so?
The only morally acceptable use of force is the use of force to defend against attack. As the NWO relentlessly presses forward its attack on our freedoms, we, the defenders, are labeled “violent extremists” if we refuse to go along quietly. The NWO’s dependency on force to promote its values makes it an inherently flawed methodology derived from ignorance and psychopathy, rather than wisdom and truth.
Dishonesty As Policy
As with the use of violence, the use of lies to achieve success automatically poisons whatever good may have been had through one’s efforts. The elites commonly shrug off this logic by convincing each other that there is such a thing as a “noble lie” (both Saul Alinsky and Leo Strauss, the gatekeepers of the false left/right paradigm, promoted the use of “noble lies”) and that the masses need to be misled so that they can be fooled into doing what is best for themselves and the world. This is, of course, a sociopathic game of self-aggrandizement.
Lies are rarely, if ever, exploited by people who want to make the lives of other men better; lies are used by people who want to make their own lives better at the expense of others. Add to this the egomaniacal assertion that the elites are lying for “our own good” when they are actually only out to elevate their power, and what you get is a stereotypical abusive relationship on a global scale.
Methodologies that have legitimate benefits to mankind deliberately seek truth and do not need to hide behind a veil of misinformation and misdirection. If a methodology requires secrecy, occultism and deceit in order to establish itself in a culture, then it is most likely a negative influence on that culture, not a positive one.
The Hands Of The Few
Why does humanity need a select elite at all? What purpose does this oligarchy really serve? Is centralized power really as efficient and practical as it is painted to be? Or is it actually a hindrance to mankind and an obstacle in our quest to better ourselves? Champions of the NWO argue that global governance is inevitable and that sovereignty in any form is the cause of all our ills. However, I find when I look back at the finer points of history (the points they don’t teach you in college textbooks), the true cause of most of the world’s ills is obviously the existence of elitist groups.
The “efficiency” of centralization is useful only to those at the top of the pyramid, because it generally stands on a vast maze of impassable bureaucracy. It has to. No hyper-condensed authority structure can survive if the citizenry is not made dependent on it. Centralization makes life harder for everyone by removing our ability to provide our own essentials and make our own choices. That is to say, centralization removes all alternative options from the system, until the only easy path left is to bow down to the establishment.
I have never seen a solid example of centralization of power resulting in a better society or happier people. I have also never come across a select group of leaders intelligent enough and compassionate enough to oversee and micromanage the intricate workings of the whole of the Earth. There is no use for the elite, so one must ask why we keep them around?
The Opposite View
Arguing over what should be done about the state of the world is a fruitless endeavor until one considers what should be done about the state of his own life. As long as men are stricken by bias, selfish desire and lack of awareness, they will never be able to determine what is best for other people. The opposing philosophy to the NWO, the philosophy of the Liberty Movement, holds that no one has the right to impose his particular version of a perfect society on anyone else. As soon as someone does, he has committed a grievous attack against individual liberty — an attack that must be answered.
Our answer is simply that the people who want to control others be removed from positions of control and that the people who want to be left alone just be left alone. Association and participation should always be voluntary; otherwise, society loses value. This is not anarchy in the sense that consequence is removed. Rather, the rights of the individual become paramount; and the liberties of the one take precedence over the ever vaporous demands of some abstract group.
The most common retort to this principle of valuing the individual over collective fear is that “someone” must apply and enforce a structure of law and accountability, otherwise, society will “fall apart” into a vortex of madness and chaos.  And perhaps that is true, though self-governance has never been allowed to exist in the history of man without immediate interference from elitist groups, so no one really knows for certain what would happen.
Doing away with overt government control, however, does not mean we do away with “law”.  Natural law, as with conscience, exists in our very biological and spiritual being, and does not require a central authority in order to be defined.  Natural law supersedes the laws of men.  In fact, the only man-made laws worth following are derived from natural law.  The primary tenet of natural law is that no one has the right to impede or erode the inherent liberties of other individuals, as long as they also respect natural laws.  The second any person violates the inborn rights of another, he has committed a trespass against natural law.  His trespasses against government authority are secondary, if not meaningless.  When one understands the unassailable existence and preeminence of natural law, he quickly discovers how trivial governments really are.
The ONLY reason for any government to exist is to safeguard individual freedom. Period. The original intent of America’s Founding Fathers was to establish a Nation that fostered this ideal. When government or oligarchy steps outside the bounds of this mandate, it is no longer providing the service it was originally designed for; and it must be dismantled. Unfortunately, it is a universal rule that uncompromising tyranny must often be met with uncompromising revolution.
When a new system arises that cannibalizes the old, enslaves our future, uses aggression against us and mutilates our founding principles in the name of arbitrary progress, that new system must be defied and ultimately destroyed. The NWO ideology represents one of the most egregious crimes against humanity of all time, posing in drag as our greatest hope. It is based, fundamentally, on everything that makes life terrible for the common man and everything our inherent conscience fights against.
We would be far better served as a species if we were to turn our back on the NWO altogether and move swiftly in the opposite direction. Imagine what tomorrow would be like if there were no controllers, no statists, no despots and no philosopher kings. Imagine a tomorrow where people respect the natural-born rights of others. Imagine a tomorrow where people’s irrational fears are not allowed to inhibit other people’s freedoms. Imagine a tomorrow where interactions between citizens and government are rare or nonexistent. Imagine if we could live our days in peace, independently building our own destinies, in which our successes and failures are our own, rather than the property of the collective. It may not be a perfect world, or a utopia, but I suspect it would be a much better place than we live in today.
From here

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Soil, Soul and Society

Many historical movements in the world have three key words that express their spirit. During the French Revolution the words were "liberté, égalité, fraternité", in the American Declaration of Independence they were "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
The implication of both phrases is very similar. It is human life, human liberty, human equality and human happiness. Even the words adopted by the New Age movement - "mind, body, spirit" - refer to the human mind, human body and human spirit. It's an anthropocentric worldview - the view that human beings are at the centre of the universe.
This worldview is no longer valid - we are utterly dependent on other species and we have to take care of them. We are members of one Earth community and need a new trinity that is holistic and inclusive, that embraces the entire planet and all species upon it. So I propose a new trinity of soil, soul, society. Soil represents the entire natural world. Without soil there is no food and without food there is no life, trees, forests, animals or people.
In our education systems, we have come to think that soil simply means dirt and that dirt means dirty. But dirt is not dirty; it is the source of life. Without it there is no life.
We are related to and dependent on the soil. If somebody grows food, we think: "Oh poor man, peasant, labourer - he is not educated so he has to grow food." If you are educated you don't grow food - you manufacture cars, televisions, computers or work in a bank or office. We sit at our computers and our food comes from somewhere.
The word peasant itself has become a term of an insult. I want to change that. I want to reinstate a respect for soil. We must touch the soil. How many times do we touch our mobile phone every day? Maybe 100 times. How many times do we touch the soil? Hardly ever. We must give dignity to peasants, farmers and gardeners.
We are all part of this healthy web of life maintained by soil. The Latin word humus means soil. The words human, humility and humus all come from the same root. When humans lose contact with soil, they are no longer humans.
Trees, animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, worms, butterflies, honeybees – all have intrinsic value. They have the right to be as they are. We talk about human rights, and that's fine. But nature also has rights. The trees have a right to exist. We have no right to cut them down without proper purpose. When we recognise the rights of nature, then we have understood the meaning of the word soil.
The second word in my new trinity is soul. Soul is something we cannot see. The human body we can touch, hug, kiss and admire, but in order to touch soul I have to close my eyes. Everything – trees, animals, worms and humans – has a soul. Soil is the outer landscape and soul, the inner landscape.
We need to take care of the soul, as we take care of the soil. But we can only take care of the soul when we slow down. Take time for ourselves. Meditate on the fact that you represent the totality of the universe. There is nothing in the universe that is not in you, and there is nothing in you that is not in the universe. The universe is the macrocosm and you are the microcosm. You are earth, air, fire, water, imagination, creativity, consciousness, time and space – you have all this in your soul, in your genes and in your cells. You are billions of years old.
So if you want to take care of the universe, start with your soul. Care of the soul is for self-realisation. When you are at home within, you are at home in the universe. Taking care of yourself, being at ease with yourself, being happy within yourself, being fulfilled in yourself is a prerequisite, an imperative for self-realisation. Everything you truly need and want is within you. You are capable of solving every problem in the world with your inner wisdom.
If you want power, possessions and clutter, it is because you have lost touch with your soul. Then your soul is hungry or empty. But that emptiness will not be filled by computers, cars or mobile phones. Slow down and take care of your soul. Without spiritual fulfilment there is no happiness. Spiritual poverty is the greatest poverty, greater than any physical poverty. And as we take care of the soil, we take care of the soul. When we take care of both we achieve true wellbeing.
Caring for the soul has nothing to do with individualism or ego. This is why I include the word society in this trinity. We are members of the Earth community and we are also members of the human community.
If I think of myself as Indian then I will see others as Europeans or Africans. If I am a Hindu then I will see others as Christians or Muslims. But if I see myself as a human being, then I see everyone else as human beings. This way I can rise above my narrow identity and identify myself instead with all of human society.
We need to embrace all of society. We need to solve social problems of poverty and wars with imagination, compassion, creativity and forgiveness. All problems can be solved by negotiation, friendship, giving in, letting go of ego and going into eco. Let us make a shift from from self-interest to mutual-interest of whole human society. If we can have a holistic view of soil, soul and society, if we can understand the interdependence of all living beings, and understand that all living creatures – from trees to worms to humans – depend on each other, then we can live in harmony with ourselves, with other people and with nature.

from link

Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earth

When someone does come along and says that it must end soon, it cannot go on, it must collapse, etc., they are told that there aren't any economic laws that say it cannot go on forever. The great belief is that if all people had confidence, then that is all that is required.
There is widespread belief that a total fiat system can function if it is universally adopted. The fact is ignored that people must work to produce goods, that before "division of labor" there wasn't any need for a common commodity as a medium of exchange. When an exchange was mutually desired it was accomplished by "bartering," goods exchanged for goods (wealth for wealth). When division of labor increased the volume of exchanges, the old -bartering" became cumbersome and too slow. A new vitality was introduced into the system of exchanges when it was discovered that a common commodity (a thing produced, which maintained its relative value to all other things produced better than any other) would serve as an "intermediate possession" between the time one disposed of his product to one person and was able to acquire the product desired from another. The widespread mutual acceptability of this common commodity throughout all lands made it the preeminent means of high velocity exchanges.
High velocity exchanges with wealth (gold and silver coins are wealth). There wasn't any money (credit) (inflation) in the system. Anyone who wished to increase the liquidity of the economy could fashion his own gold or silver possessions into the commonly accepted form for use in the market place. Wealth always exchanged for wealth, the difference between production and personal consumption by the producers, was the gross national product, and it equaled the total supply of "mediums" of "exchange" (wealth). No one could exchange more than he had-to be without goods to offer was to be without purchasing power. It was necessary to perform labor to acquire goods, in order to trade with another producer, and when a trade was made using the common commodity as a purchasing medium, the transaction was complete wealth for wealth.
With the introduction of coin debasement, money (credit) (inflation) was born. Money exists in the mind of man. True, if he accepted a debased coin he was giving up wealth his wealth for a coin which was not fully 10096 equal to the value he was attributing to that coin in his "mind," when he was deciding to accept it in exchange for his wealth. The difference between the value he was "attributing" to the coin (face value or non debased value) and the actual wealth content it had, is money (credit) (inflation), With a debased coin in possession, a person has imaginary demand that is not "supply'' equal to the difference between its "real" worth and its face value. What must be realized is that a person accepting a token worth less than the wealth that is being surrendered is convinced mentally that someone else will surrender the same value for it later on. This belief is the "confidence" that makes the fraud seem reasonable. The only time tokens will be accepted is when the receiver is convinced mentally that they have a value in relation to the value surrendered. Without an imaginary parity connection to some commodity the token is unacceptable. Media debasement always starts with a minor amount and increases through time. It is this subtle slow transition that makes the fraud acceptable. People are unaware of the invisible attack on the natural laws of economics.
To believe that any group of people, any nation, could ever get all its producers to agree to let any individual have the privilege of being able to take any or all of their production at any time without any compensation is ridiculous. Aware of those conditions, no one outside a mental institution would permit it; therefore one must be subjected to mental conditioning in order for it to "work" at all. By allowing redemption of fiat for real wealth in the beginning (paper bills were redeemed at the banks for gold and silver coins for years), the fraud is concealed and the "confidence" in the fiat is cultivated and brought to a fantastically high, exploitable degree. By the slow systematic increase in debasement, the removal of gold coins, then silver coins, the people do not realize that the banks will no longer redeem the fiat for any wealth at all. The people themselves are the only ones "attributing" any value to fiat. They go on exchanging their goods and services for fiat amongst themselves, supporting their "confidence" with "confidence." So it appears to the great perpetrators that the fiat could stand on its own as long as the "confidence" is maintained, but they are guilty of ignoring the natural laws of economics.

Imaginary demand cannot be controlled ……95
When debased coinage enters circulation, it expropriates wealth to its creator, and no amount of passing it amongst the people will replace that wealth removed from the economy. The expropriator would have to redeem the coins and replace the w h. The accumulation of fiat is proportional to the amount of wealth removed and no longer available to its producers, stolen from them without their becoming aware of the fact. This lack of awareness has allowed the condition to progress to the degree that it has. If the people really knew what has caused the destruction of our economy they would react, but instead they have been effectively duped into accepting a mental medium as a "thing" equal to their original wealth, and since its representative tokens can be exchanged for gold it is considered by the people, in their ignorance, as being just as good as gold.
Where once people had the wealth they produced as the capital goods with which to extend their industrialization, and could convert wealth into capital directly, they now are forced by their lack of knowledge to accept a ghostly non-material manifestation, issued by the owners of the "credit machine" who can control the machine but not Its output.
Present-day production is not conducted with the wealth of the people as the capital used. The people are no longer paid their earnings in wealth; therefore they do not have wealth to use as capital directly. When people are forced to use money, they relinquish the reins of business to the creators of money. When money must be used to purchase the capital used in business, the means of expanding the industrial progress of the nation rest in the money creator's whim as to whether the credit machine is "on" or "off" and available to the people. When it is "on," its output cannot be controlled and it will be used to Inflate; when it is "off," inflation is curtailed and the already inflated economy suffers an illiquidity crisis, which will lead eventually to deflation.
The entire means of production are then at the mercy of the money creators, who by natural law can only turn it "on" or "off' but cannot control its output. A free market controls itself; any attempt to control a free market by an alien "money" (the imaginary media) immediately germinates the seed of eventual downfall, manifesting itself in wage controls, price controls, rationing, and then collapse.
The "credit machine" in the "on ' " position allows almost anyone to instigate the creation of purchasing power by putting up collateral for a note loan or by simply using a credit card. There isn't any difference between the inflation resulting from the creation of credit by a bank or the creation of credit by the use of a credit card. The bank's credit creation can be influenced by the various directive manipulations of the Fed.
Bankers' credit creations are subject to reserve requirements, bank liquidity levels, and various other "on" and "off' regulations that can be imposed by the Fed at their discretion. The public, however, can decide for themselves when they wish to purchase, and when they do not. In efforts to control people's buying impulses, government has seen fit to try various directives, such as changing "down payment" requirements. The down payment requirement regulation was an attempt to limit credit extension, by business lending directly to its customer, by carrying its "own book." If customers had to have down payments, then obviously their buying volume would be reduced. It is easy to see that the raising and lowering of down payment requirements would have an effect on the buying volume and, of course, the credit creation to facilitate those purchases; but the effect is by no stretch of the imagination, "control." Controlling credit creation would mean the ability to limit it to a given 'amount' at a given 'time' to accomplish a given "result." This degree of control over credit creation never was and never can be, accomplished by any means invented to date.
By passing the "truth in lending law," it was possible in most cases to take credit creation away from the local businesses extending credit to their customers directly, and move it into the banking system through the use of credit cards. Credit cards, however, are either valid or invalid, and even though the amount of credit may be limited on the individual card, there are still the people to consider. The credit card may be used or not used according to the people's whim, so although the card may be recalled by the bank or its limit raised or lowered by the issuing bank, they still cannot control the exact extent or timing of its use. Millions of credit cards already issued and in the hands of the people are a tremendous potential purchasing power always at the "ready"! Credit control laws are a fake. Creation devices can be turned "off" or "on" but as long as it takes people to use them the output cannot be controlled. The output is credit, credit is money, money is inflation and therefore inflation cannot be controlled. Once a credit device is installed and turned "on" there will be uncontrolled inflation.

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earth …..96
All output of the credit machine bears interest, and interest can only be paid if the machine stays "on"; turning "off" the machine will make interest payment impossible and create a liquidity crisis. The lowered liquidity will "throw" the imbalance of money (imaginary demand) vs. goods (supply) available over to a "condition" where the parity of money in relation to goods will rise, which will cause lower "prices" and lower employment. Owners of the credit machines reap the profits, all credit expropriates wealth from the people. The people (victims of the expropriation), although they are never quite aware of the "direct thievery" the "credit" is guilty of, do become aware of the inflation itself when it causes the "price" of all commodities to rise. The owners of the credit machines would like nothing better than to be able to perpetrate the expropriation of wealth, and " control" inflation, the result would be the best of all worlds for them. Natural law, however, will not allow it, when inflation (money) is used to purchase food, for instance, the food is consumed and the credit (inflation) remains to accumulate.
The result of "inflation" is eventual hyper-currency debasement," controls, shortages, and rationing which lead to the eventual collapse of the people's belief in the credit machine's output, collapse of the economy, and deflation. People purge themselves of the credit machine's creation (dollars), and turn to bartering" to subsist, earning what they can, where they can, and making direct exchanges in a self-erected free market which does not use the credit machine's created dollars.
Credit machine owners cannot expropriate wealth if the machines lay idle. The owners cause laws to be passed, labeling the people's self-erected free market a ''black market" and imposing penalties on anyone operating in the "underground" free market in "violation" of their "uncontrolling" regulations.
The cycle is always the same, once inflation is commenced, it will increase in proportion to the degree of the expropriation desired by the credit creators, and confer upon them the control" of the means of production and the people. Once turned "on" the process can only be turned "off" for brief intervals, and the cycle will have a life span influenced by the relative dwell times of the "on'' and "off" periods. The entire process is self-terminating by nature and cannot be perpetuated. The inflation, once begun, cannot be stopped until it runs its course, it can only be affected briefly during its life span, but it can never be controlled!
The area of operation of the inflation process does not alter its self-terminating nature. Basically, effects of inflation are the same, although there are effects of its application, internationally, that are somewhat complicated, and perhaps to most observers a bit confusing. just as the people here will only accept the created money as long as they believe they will be able to pass it along later and get comparable wealth for it, so it is with people all over the world-they are no different.
The nations of the world have been inflated just as we have. The German people have been robbed by the German central bank and the Italian people by their central bank, etc.
The degree of inflation varies to some extent in different nations, but the delusion of the people to is exactly the same. The people do not see the true nature of the robbery taking place, that they are being robbed by the very creation of money. The higher "prices" resulting in the lowering of the purchasing power of that money is an effect of "natural law" trying to alert the people and motivate them into taking corrective measures. The central bankers who are the owners of the credit do know the difference.

Imaginary demand cannot be controlled ……..97
Central bankers have been content to extract the wealth of their individual nation's citizens with the art of delusion, perfected over many years of practice. The whole international system is about to collapse because they have become so skilled in the United States that the Fed has used the scheme on citizens of other countries to such a degree that their individual systems have now been placed in jeopardy.
In their collective efforts to make their respectively created currencies stand firm, without direct value in terms of the common commodity "gold," they agreed upon a "reserve currency scheme.'' This scheme, born at Bretton Woods in 1944, was to make the delusion complete and include the entire population of 120 nations of the world, and to make the awareness of the primary thievery still one more step away from any possible exposure to their victims. The system involved making the United States monetary unit (the "dollar") the reserve currency. The "dollar" alone would be the only currency linked to "gold" directly in a fixed amount (35 dollars equals one ounce of gold). To find the gold 11 value" of a German D-mark or an Italian "lira," one must use its dollar parity and compute. The currency parities agreed upon at Bretton Woods were to be maintained by the various member nations' central banks by "controlling" their inflation so as to keep the multitude of currencies parities in relation to the dollar within one percent up or down.
It was shown earlier that controlling inflation is impossible, it can be turned "on" or "off" at will, but once "on" it can only be turned "off" for brief intervals during its life span, but it can never be controlled. The same natural law that makes it impossible to control inflation within the sphere of influence of one central bank, also has the same power when it is attempted on a world-wide scale. The "prices" rising due to the lowered purchasing power of the currency units created, which is the inflationary effect of natural law violation, made the normally exportable goods of the United States too high in "price" to be competitive in the world markets.
The result of having goods that are not competitive is a "balance of trade deficit" (an unpaid account) they won't take our goods and we will not pay them in gold!
We purchase the goods of other nations and offer "dollars" in payment for the imports. The dollars go out to pay for imports, but are not returned in payment for our exports, because the dollar's parity in relation to our goods has fallen too low. Dollars building up in the central banks of the world are claims on United States Gold, and to prevent excursions of greater inflation the central banks must try to send them back to the United States to be redeemed for gold. Meanwhile, to fulfill their obligations which were mutually agreed upon at Bretton Woods, central banks of other nations must exchange the dollars held by their citizens for the currency of their own nation, when they are tendered for exchange on that level of the foreign exchange bank. To exchange dollars for D-marks, as an example, the German central bank may have to step in with newly created D-marks to purchase dollars because the parity of dollars is lower in relation to the parity of D-marks "available for exchange." The international inflationary effect, brought about by natural law, is this building up of the unreal parity of the country's currency against the volume of another country's currency, in the foreign exchange market, as a direct result of the refusal to pay for imports with gold. The non-redemption of dollars then affects their respective parity with the other nation's currency and exchanges are not possible because the parity of their currency has risen above its allowable limit in parity relationship to the dollar (it had hit its ceiling or penetrated it).
When a nation's currency has risen above the allowable one percent parity range, the Bretton Woods agreement called for that nation's central bank to "support" the dollar, because they "let" their currency rise too high in "value" in relation to the dollar.
This bit of absolute nonsense still stands as the most incredible part of the international delusion.
To lower its currency's value in relation to the dollar, a central bank must enter the foreign exchange market and purchase dollars at the official parity with newly created units of their currency until its parity in relation to their goods has fallen to where the parity of the dollar and their currency's parity are within the allowable range (one percent up or down), and let the normal exchanges resume. The build-up of dollars then forces other central banks to increase the creation of their currency to make these dollar purchases, and their inflation is increased.

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earth ……98
In order to maintain the "gold backing" for their currency in the same relationship indicated by their currency's parity to the dollar, the central banks have to -send the dollars here to be redeemed for gold, and the gold received will then "back" the new units of their currency created.
All those dollars coming back to be redeemed for gold are a drain on our gold supplies, and the Fed knows that gold is wealth-their wealth. They stole it from the people who produced it, (they purchased it with "dollars" they created at no cost to them) and they want to keep it. It is more than that; it is the people who are deluded, not the Fed or the other central banks. The issue becomes one of survival. If we ship the gold they will have a lesser imbalance between the volume of their currency created and the wealth behind it, or less inflation. If we keep the gold we will have less relative inflation and theirs will be greater. It is clear that the higher rate of inflation, the closer a country comes to the end of the cycle. When President Nixon closed the "gold window" he was telling the world, "If one of us must collapse first, let it be one of you."
Closing the gold window and removing the last vestige of make-believe redeemability also ended the dollar's long use as worldwide "reserve currency." The Bretton Woods agreement and the international monetary fund were dead. Without a tie to the common commodity gold or to any common wealth commodity, it is impossible to arrive at currency parities. There is talk of using S.D.R.s, but S.D.R.s are also just paper and ink recorded figments of the deluded people's imagination, and only get their respective "valuation" by a tie to gold (central banks can buy S.D.R. bookkeeping credits with gold, but gold cannot be bought with S.D.R.s). So we must acknowledge that any currency to have even an imagined value" must be referred to in terms of wealth.
Rulers cannot rule with wealth unless they get it from wealth producers (people). To get it from the people without resistance they must serve the people. To rule the people and not serve them they must have their created currency accepted. To have it accepted, it must be tied in some way to the wealth that the people produce and exchange. Wealth is produced by labor: when the people labor they create wealth, they create more than they consume, and when they exchange wealth they never lose it-it is constantly replaced by their continued labor. Wealth can and will work for the wealth producer, but it cannot and will not work for the non-working "ruler." Any attempt to rule with accumulated wealth, to control people and support them on welfare will dissipate that wealth, and it will not be replaced because governments do not produce wealth.
When the final collapse of the created currency comes, with it will come the realization of the credit machine owners that their machines' output must be accepted or they cannot control the people. This realization is the force which finally brings about the eventual deflation and the following depression period until the people can be deluded into accepting the new currency as being as good as gold.
The United States citizens have not had the experience of going through these cycles, but the Europeans have, and for generations the memories have managed to survive. The people of Europe know and fear the awesome power of a currency collapse, and their respective central banks will make every effort to keep the delusion going, but it s impossible to keep it going. Dollars are flooding Europe and Asia, and all attempts at supporting the dollar are failing.
The Smithsonian agreements that the dollar was "supposedly" devalued was another incredible piece of sheer nonsense. On August 15, 197 1, President Nixon declared the dollar in any amount not good for gold, in redemption, then months later in December came the decision to devalue the dollar. It was at zero value then, and they were going to devalue. They all Agreed the dollar that couldn't buy gold at $35.00 an ounce would now not be able to buy it at $38.00 an ounce. How can 38 dollars be worth an ounce of gold if no one in the world will give an ounce of gold for 38 dollars?

Imaginary demand cannot be controlled ……99
An attempt was being made by our central bank to delude the other central banks into having the baseless faith our citizens have in the make-believe value" of the "dollar." If, magically, a way were found to give the "dollar" the value of gold without its in any way being redeemable in gold from its creator, then we surely would have advanced to preeminent heights undreamed of by the alchemists of old who only wanted to change lead into gold. If we could only make "them" believe it does not have to be redeemed with its creator's wealth, that it is still good and if they will only believe it and give their gold for it, it will be as good as gold again, all over the world.
The foreign central banks agreed to support the dollar again at the "new" rate and newly adjusted parities, but we had to promise to make an effort to control our inflation. Inflation cannot be controlled and our dollar are flooding Europe and Asia, and causing greater inflation throughout the area by the increased creation of other currencies needed by them to support the dollar. By April 1972, dollar flooding had caused so much havoc; the other central banks had a meeting at Luxembourg and decided to try to establish discipline. The expropriation of foreign wealth was progressing at fantastic rates, and the Imaginary, ghostly, nonmaterial link to gold was not "holding-after all, if you never have to make good on your IOUs why not give them all they will take, and take from them all they will give up? The Luxembourg accord in April was an attempt to put discipline into the system; they agreed to narrower allowable excursions of parity for their own currencies in relation to each other, through their respective relationship to the dollar.
They mutually agreed upon a provision that any country whose currency had to be supported by another would have to reimburse that other country for the support out of its own reserves. The reserves were to be paid in relationship as to how the supported currency's country held its assets. If the supported currency's country held 33% dollars, 33% gold bullion and 34% S.D.R.s, then its reimbursement had to be in proportion.
It is plain to see what was happening without the discipline of gold redemption requirements, each country could inflate its currency and buy its neighbor's goods, and they knew it! To try to stop such stealing from each other they were attempting to control the inflation that was now international in scope. They were attempting to circumvent natural law, and at the same time reacting to it. They were attempting to get the discipline of gold without using gold, yet the only thing the central banks would readily accept from each other was the gold and gold claims from their respective assets. They were attempting to demand that any of them that inflated to the degree that their currency needed support by another should make it good to the other in gold or other assets. It is proof positive that they were at the moment of truth, realizing that it was just as impossible to control this international inflation, as it was to control domestic inflation, with everyone holding credit cards.
The international monetary fund was an attempt to create a single credit machine, and have it create the reserve currency. All currencies would have parities in relation to the reserve currency and the reserve currency would be increased and decreased as required to facilitate nations settling their balance of trade deficits.
The fallacy is that with only the creators of wealth (people) redeeming all these created monetary units, and all countries using their own private credit cards (their own power to create their own currency), and each one contesting with the other to get all they can before anyone else beats them to it, the world would be in "parity chaos" in no time at all. With all the credit machines existing, and as many "button pushers" turning them "on" and off haphazardly, it should be perfectly obvious that the end will come fast.

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earth……100
It would appear that some of the European central banks have had their monetary vision of this tremendous potential for worldwide monetary collapse, and a resulting worldwide depression, and are advocating a rapid return to some form of gold redeemability and discipline. Should the people ever be exposed to the full score of this induced delusion of monetary unit creation, by just such a collapse, it might be generations before the world population could again be brought to the brink of total one-world control and exploitation. A world wide, large-scale deflation and a return to redeemability are the only ways 'in which the credit machine owners can salvage some degree of control. They will have to let the wealth producers retain a little of what they produce, for the natural law indicates that when you take all that a worker earns he stops working, and without workers to produce, there cannot be any wealth to steal.
Before we arrive at that point in time, the credit machine owners and distributors of the created "dollars" will declare a deflationary exchange of currency, reverting to redeemability. It will happen as a united move all nations simultaneously. The nations cannot individually return to redeemability without complete loss of all international exchange or making only exchanges of production (bartering).
It would be disastrous for any nation to have a redeemable currency and try to make exchanges with inflated nations with nonredeemable currency. The nonredeemable currency would seek out redeemable currency anywhere in the world, and expropriate the wealth of that nation.
All nations wishing to conduct international exchange will have to return to currency redeemability or bartering-there is no alternative!
To return to redeemable currency there will have to be a large-scale deflation and all the
production stolen over many years will be paid for by the holders of dollars and dollar instruments, all over the world, taking the loss when those dollars are turned in for the new redeemable currency.
Only people's labor produces wealth.
The division of labor makes exchanges imperative.
People produce more than they consume.
The excess of production over consumption is savings.
Savings in the form of precious metal coins are excellent media.
Precious metal coins are production in wealth media form.
Production in wealth media form is potential demand (wealth).
Production in wealth media form is potential supply (wealth).
Law: Supply and "demand" cannot be unbalanced where wealth is the only media.
The people are producers and consumers. Since the excess of production over consumption is the production converted to wealth media, when all exchanges have been completed and all consumer goods consumed, the media remain.
Consumer "A" buys goods from producer -13--receives goods, giving up wealth media. Result: "A" still has same total wealth.
Producer "A" sells goods to consumer "B", receiving wealth media and giving up goods. Result: "A" still has same total wealth.
Producer "B'' sells goods to consumer "A," receiving wealth media and giving up goods. Result: "B" still has same total wealth.
Consumer "B" buys goods from producer "A," receiving goods and giving up wealth media. Result: "B" still has same total worth.
Proof: Goods are exchanged and used or consumed without any loss of wealth media.
Imaginary media (money-credit- inflation) represented by tokens (metal disks at 97% seigniorage) and paper and ink bills (tokens) at 99.4% promise.
The United States Treasury gives the metal and paper tokens to the federal reserve for issuance.
Producer "A" sells goods to consumer "B" who borrowed "dollars" from a Fed banker, giving up goods and receiving tokens (97 to 99% imaginary promise of future exchange value).
Result: "A" has extended credit-accepted created Inflation.(continue)
Imaginary demand cannot be controlled nnnnn101
Consumer ''A" buys goods from producer "C" receives goods, gives up token (97 to 99"/o imaginary demand)-result: "A" has used inflation as a medium of exchange.
Producer "C" sells goods to consumer "B" giving up goods and receiving token (97 to 99% imaginary demand)-result: "C'' has extended credit-accepted inflation.
Consumer "C" buys goods from producer "A", receives goods, gives up token (97 to 99% imaginary demand)-result: "C" has used inflation as a medium of exchange.
Tokens spent into circulation take out production, which is replaced by credit money inflation.
The borrower "B" takes full value in production and contributes a token (paper bill or metal disk with a value of less than 3% of goods purchased), (he pledged full value to the banker who gave up nothing.)
Production flows out of the economy as credit- money- inflation flows in: first a trickle, then a flood, as the wealth media in circulation are extracted by the inflation.
To circumvent discovery of the loss, the wealth media are declared unlawful.
The original promise of redemption removed, token production can be speeded up and the expropriation of wealth increased.
The producers of wealth are left with only what they use or consume.
To circumvent awareness, the producers are allowed to create credit- money - inflation also.
Producers are issued credit cards (the new money - inflation) and allowed to borrow into the future.
All title to wealth gravitates to the credit distributors as time passes.
Human desire is not limited, and the use of credit cards cannot be controlled.
All purchases made with credit cards are inflation and the inflation accelerates.
Token and credit distributors can start the system but it can only be stopped for short intervals.
Any prolonged stoppage would reduce the volume of exchanges and trigger deflation.
Token and credit distributors try to control the inflation by manipulation of the tokens (metal disks and paper bills), but the buying impulses of people and their credit creation (via use of credit cards) cannot be controlled.
Unable to be stopped, except for brief intervals, inflation roars onward gathering size and speed like a hurricane.
Inflation does not respect borders, it enters into other nations' economies becoming worldwide in scope.
Inflation from without added to inflation within accelerates the domestic inflation in the nation invaded.
Inflation becomes runaway falling currency parity and feeding on itself, explodes onward.
''Prices are changed so rapidly that people will no longer extend credit or put off purchasing.
Every producer demands goods for goods and we are back to bartering.
Bartering does not involve money -credit -inflation to facilitate exchanges.
Bartering with a common commodity as a wealth medium of exchange can handle any volume.
With money credit inflation not in use, the credit distributors cannot purchase production and they have to work to eat, as natural law dictates, but that thought is revolting to them.
They must prevent people from becoming aware of the true nature of money-credit inflation.
The money creators will declare a deflation and return to promises of redemption in wealth.
All the production that was taken will be paid for by the holders of money, when it is exchanged, at a loss, for the new promises.

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earthnnnn102
The definitely imaginary nature of " money" having been established, we can try to understand why the banking elite allows it to continue toward inevitable collapse without making any visible effort to halt it. Perhaps they are not as certain as I that the collapse is inevitable, but if that is so, why has all promise of payment to the bearer on demand been removed from all our paper token currency in circulation?
Possibly, they have accepted the idea that in reality there isn't any natural economic law that can cause the inevitable end to this charade. Perhaps they think it requires only that people believe in their imaginary "money" to make it work forever. Do they think that if the idea 'Its failing never occurs to people that it can go on forever? That may be what the banking elite believe because that is the conclusion one would reach if their actions were carefully observed.
Inflation is the money itself, ever increasing in volume, but they always refer to the inflationary effect" as the "Inflation" and attempt to control the "Inflationary effect. They have a heyday explaining that, "inflation" in foreign lands, is greater than here in the United States when in reality it is not true. Realism abroad, less effort to hide the "inflationary effect," enables the elite here to say "they" have higher inflation.
The "Inflationary effect" is the "price reaction" taking place when greater and greater amounts of "money" as imaginary demand enter the market and bid up the commodity prices." It is this specific reaction of "prices rising" that the elite invariably refer to as the inflation" and make every effort to control. In this area some Influencing is possible. Inflation cannot be controlled because inflation is the "money" (credit) itself, and because it is psychologically created, its creation is sponsored by all make-believers.
When people believe that the economy is thriving, and going to get even better, they increase their activity in the stock market and when Dow Jones rises and stock prices are higher, their loan values are higher and the latent "money volume" is increased thereby with the people who caused it, totally unaware of what they had done.
When "money" is all "make-believe" all - make-believers" make the "dollars" created a matter of record, and until then they are not officially created. It is in this area that the banking elite have made their big effort to control the inflationary effect. All make-believers can create latent money volume, but only the bankers can dispense it and demand its eventual repayment plus interest.
If we liken this vast banking system's ability to make huge volumes of dollars generated in the minds of humans to an atomic pile undergoing a chain reaction with the "dollars" as neutrons, we can see the control method more clearly. The more "dollars" created and released as loans to borrowers, the more "dollars" must be created to facilitate interest: "dollars" generated by "dollars" released (neutrons released by neutrons). It is the same kind of reaction and just as dangerous, if not controlled. In an atomic pile undergoing a chain reaction, the "mass" can become critical if not controlled. The control means in an atomic pile are carbon rods that are advanced into or withdrawn from the active chamber. Introducing the rods into the active chamber has the effect of slowing down the chain reaction, since the rods absorb neutrons as they are released and prevent their hitting other atoms and releasing other neutrons. Withdrawing the rods prevents their absorbing neutrons released and those released and unabsorbed fly into other atoms releasing other neutrons and the chain reaction is allowed to accelerate.
In the banking system the "carbon rods" are the Treasury bonds sold into and repurchased from the banking system by the federal open market committee (F.O.M.C.). Treasury bonds sold to the banking system extract "dollars" from the banking system into the F.M.O.C., an agency of the federal reserve system, thereby deflating the banking system's pool of lendable "dollars." When the Treasury bonds are purchased from the banking system by the F.O.M.C., the dollars from the F.O.M.C. again enter the pool of lendable "dollars" and so it can be seen that the action of the Treasury bonds is exactly the same as the carbon rods in the control of an atomic pile.
page 103 chart goes here

"Money" The Greatest Hoax On Earthnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn104
"Dollars" extracted from the banking system by the introduction of Treasury bonds cannot be used in the active market place, and therefore selling bonds to the banking system lowers the amount of "dollars" entering the active market place to raise "prices." When the deflationary effect has done its Job and the situation looks as though it may swing too much and there may be a liquidity problem or crisis, the F.O.M.C. buys bonds from the banking system. The dollars coming in, as the bonds leave, swell the pool of lendable "dollars" and the additional dollars enter the active market place as units of imaginary demand having their effect on the "prices" and employment level.
The "inflationary effect" is evidenced by the rising price level'' (falling dollar parity) of commodities and the relative balance of imaginary demand vs. real supply and demand (wealth) in the market place which is called "Inflation" by the banking elite and has been their main influential effort. At best, their main effort has been a coarse one, and does not constitute fine tuning." The activity in this area is considerably enlightening when the figures associated with these efforts are understood.
In fiscal 1970 when the federal budget went $23.5 billion in the red, the total transactions of the F.O.M.C., selling and repurchasing Treasury bonds from the banking system, amounted to $738 billion and 50% of that was not by written drafts but actually was accomplished by pushing the programming buttons of a computer. The $738 billion figure is three and one half times the total transactions of the New York Stock Exchange for the same fiscal period.
In fiscal 1971 the total transactions were $1100 billion and 60% of that was by computer. In the first six months of 1972 these transactions totaled $968 billion and 76% was handled through computers (at the speed of light). it would be ridiculous to believe that it took $738 billion of Treasury bond sales and repurchases in and out of the banking system to support a $23.5 billion deficit in the federal budget. It must be evident that there is some big reason why all these transactions are necessary. What fantastic situation made it necessary in the year 197 2 for a total transaction of sales and repurchases of Treasury bonds to the banking system to equal over four times the federal budget total deficit of $430 billion.
It is the fact that inflation in the United States is over 20,000% in real terms. If our system was as stated officially and a dollar was redeemable for I / 38th of an ounce of gold, then the "Inflation" in realistic terms would be the volume of dollars of record in relation to the gold available to redeem them and that ratio at present is over 200 to one. In realistic terms there are enough "dollars" of record and "owned" by someone that if all were brought to the active market place as imaginary demand at one time, for illustration purposes say within one twenty-four hour period, then the imbalance of goods available to be purchased (supply-demand wealth) and purchasing power (imaginary demand "dollars") available would be 1: 1666. There are "dollars of record'' over 1666 times the average daily production of goods for exchange.
Keeping 1,665 (1666-1) times the average daily production of goods in imaginary demand from triggering massive "hyper inflationary effect" in the United States is a Herculean feat, comparable to balancing a steel ball on the point of a needle and takes the massive power of being able to shift huge sums of imaginary demand here and there at the speed of light. What are we going to see next-are they going to increase the speed of 100 They may believe that this situation can be extended indefinitely but I cannot.
In the United States where the citizens are compelled to accept legal tender laws, the situation can be extended quite far indeed but the eventual outcome will be a return to redeemable currency either engineered and dictated by government or by the people when natural law dictates. All the attempts by the federal reserve system to hide the terrible monster inflation and never let us show through and cause the inflationary effect have not been greatly effective. The falling dollar parity which is the ''Inflationary effect" has been evident and we are aware of it. All the efforts at hiding the inflation have not even remotely neutralized its potential for destruction.

Imaginary demand cannot be controlled nn105
The fact that the daily production of goods in the U.S. is less than $2.8 billion in dollar value and the fact that the people hold $55 billion in government bonds alone make this quite plain, The vast amount of "dollars of record" belonging to the people and spendable by them is what makes the situation so fantastic. If in one day 5% of the holders of those bonds decided to spend the 5% ($2.75 billion) in addition to their normal purchases, the bidding could double commodity "prices" in that one day (one hundred % inflationary effect in one 24 hour period).
The people have $450 billion in demand deposit accounts in banks, only 6/ 10ths of 1% of that entering the market place as additional purchasing power in one 24 hour period could double commodity "prices" (100% inflationary effect in one 24 hour period). It hasn't been mentioned, but think of the potential of credit cards as imaginary demand in the same way. Some holders of credit cards have the potential purchasing power of several thousand dollars with them and yet could not pay the interest on that sum if they were to use its total potential. To prevent just such an eventuality as described here it will be necessary for fine tuning planners to figure some greater control method over our right to spend our earnings in our own way, either by rationing everything or by forced savings (mandatory payroll "bond" deductions). They must find some way to prevent our being able to bring that vast potential imaginary demand to bear on the active market place if they are to have any further influence in preventing the inflationary effect from becoming more pronounced as time passes. When the inflationary effect gets to the point where the people as a whole can see the price level" inching upward right before their eyes, they will become disenchanted with the purchasing power of the "dollar" and attempt to rid themselves of "dollars" before they sink much lower. When that point comes and the $55 billion in bonds and the $450 billion in banks are brought into play, the game is over-collapse, and the "steel ball" will tumble from the point of the needle.