Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Non c'e nessuna crisi

UN CONTADINO HA UN CAMPO DI GRANO E PRODUCE PANE E PASTA.Un secondo contadino ha un frutteto. Un allevatore ha un gregge di pecore e produce latte e formaggi. Un artigiano realizza mobili in legno, un altro fila la lana e tesse indumenti.Quello che ha il pane ne scambia una parte con il formaggio dell’allevatore e con i maglioni del secondo artigiano. Quello che ha la frutta ne scambia un po’ con un tavolo e quattro sedie, e con qualche chilo di pasta. Ognuno produce qualcosa e tutti hanno le cose essenziali per vivere. La natura, del resto, nel medio termine si può considerare prevedibile: se un anno c’è meno frutta, l’anno dopo ce ne sarà di più. Arriva uno speculatore che, promettendo di scambiare nuovi beni, si prende un po’ di pane, un po’ di frutta, un po’ di latte e un po’ di formaggio. Non restandone più a sufficienza per tutti, scambia quello che ha preso con chi ne ha bisogno ma, data la scarsità di beni che ne deriva, pretende da ciascuno un corrispettivo maggiore di indumenti, di sedie, di pane, di formaggio… Se l’allevatore, mettiamo, non riesce a far fronte alle richieste, perché non dispone di risorse sufficienti a coprire l’aumento artificiale del fabbisogno, lo speculatore gli concede lo stesso il pane e tutto il resto, ma lo impegna a versare l’ammanco ipotecando il formaggio che non è ancora stato prodotto. Lo indebita.
ARRIVA UN SECONDO SPECULATORE E SI PRENDE LA RESTANTE PARTE DI PRODUZIONE LOCALE.I contadini, gli artigiani e l’allevatore accettano, perché hanno bisogno di compensare la carestia indotta, cercando di produrre di più e di entrare subito in possesso di ciò che viene improvvisamente loro a mancare.A questo punto, tutti i beni disponibili sono nelle mani dei due speculatori, i quali sono liberi di decidere come, a chi e per quanto scambiarli. Fanno i prezzi, esigono sempre di più e indebitano progressivamente i contadini, gli artigiani e l’allevatore che ora non producono più per vivere, ma vivono per produrre una quantità sufficiente, sempre maggiore, di cibo e di beni, che possa soddisfare le richieste degli speculatori.
CON L’ARRIVO DEL TERZO SPECULATORE PROVENIENTE DA TERRE LONTANE, che a sua volta ha indebitato altri artigiani, altri allevatori e altri contadini, i tre iniziano a riunirsi periodicamente per scambiarsi i debiti dei produttori, scommettendo sulla loro capacità di ripagarli con perseveranza, senza morire di inedia. Senza fallire.Quando gli speculatori, tra di loro, esagerano con le speculazioni, scommettendo sulla capacità di ripianare il debito di un allevatore che muore di infarto, per esempio a causa dell’eccessivo lavoro, perdono parte dei loro crediti, che poi sono i debiti di chi produce i beni reali. Così dichiarano ufficialmente l’apertura della crisi. Lo stato di crisi, dicono, richiede ai contadini di produrre più grano e più frutta, agli allevatori di produrre più latte, agli artigiani di fabbricare più tavoli e più indumenti e così via. Altrimenti verrà loro richiesto di saldare i loro debiti immediatamente, e poiché è chiaro che non possono farlo, le loro fattorie verranno espropriate, i loro allevamenti confiscati, e moriranno di fame.

MA LA CRISI NON E’ DEI CONTADINI CHE CONTINUANO A PRODURRE IL GRANO e la frutta che producevano all’inizio. Non è degli allevatori, che hanno sempre lo stesso numero di pecore, anzi di più, e dunque producono la stessa quantità di formaggi e di latte. Non è di chi fabbrica i mobili sempre alla stessa maniera, né di chi tesse indumenti esattamente come faceva una volta. No: sono gli speculatori ad essere in crisi, non i produttori. E’ il loro meccanismo di inflazione programmata dei prezzi per i beni di prima necessità ad essersi gonfiato fino ad esplodere. La loro ingordigia, il loro universo artificiale, il mondo parallelo e immaginario che hanno costruito accanto a quello reale: è tutto e solo questo ad essere andato in crisi.
Finì che i contadini, gli allevatori e gli artigiani mandarono affanculo gli speculatori e ricominciarono a scambiarsi il pane, il latte, il formaggio, i mobili e i vestiti tra di loro, lasciando gli speculatori al loro meritato destino.
from link

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hanging out the (brain) washing

Unfortunately, virtually all human beings are completely brainwashed, braindead, and incapable of independent thought processes, even simple ones.  For example, consider this one.
Any human who cannot look straight in the face of any and every other human being on planet earth and clearly see someone in the exact same situation as himself (authority wise), is insane.  In other words, nobody on earth has authority over me, and I have no authority over anyone else.
Yet virtually the entire world has completely internalized the completely insane notion that some people have authority over them, and they have authority over others, even though this notion can be quite easily demonstrated to be absurd, and even obvious, given just a little clear thought.
You come to exist by being born.  That is how all other humans came to exist.  The mere symmetry of this observation is sufficient to demonstrate that nobody else has any more basis to claim authority over you than you have to claim authority over them.  This is not rocket science, this is pre-first-grade common sense, and should remain common sense throughout a lifetime.  And this would remain clear if not for incessant mental abuse by parents, teachers, media-mouthpieces and other self-proclaimed (and widely-proclaimed) authorities... none of whom are authorities.  It is the classic case of "if you repeat a lie a sufficient number of times, humans will believe it, no matter how absurd is your lie".  Add to that endless pressure and punishment for refusing to acknowledge the authority of others over yourself over a childhood and subsequent life, and the brain damage is complete.  Clearly only an infinitesimal smattering of human beings managed to hold onto their senses and see reality and human interactions for what they are.
Well, at this point, essentially the entire world of human beings is completely insane, and so even well-meaning presentations like this one assume and presume completely insane ideas, including "authority", and including the pretence that "governments" and "corporations" and "central banks" and other "organizations" actually exist.  Even though, as it turns out, fundamental law has correctly identified all organizations as "fictitious entities" for hundreds of years (yes, even though "law" is another pure fiction).  And in case you aren't sure about this, a "fiction" does not exist.  Examples: Santa Claus, any government, the federal reserve, the list is nearly endless.
So, what does exist?
the universe
... and finally, producers who create everything that predators and parasites demand, and that everyone (predators, parasites and producers) needs to survive, prosper and enjoy life a bit.  Never forget:
predators need producers, otherwise they starve to death
parasites need producers, otherwise they starve to death
producers gain zero benefit from predators or parasites
The honest producers are being crushed under the weight of the predators and parasites.  Why have the producers let things get so far out of whack, when everyone depends entirely on them?  Simple.  The producers need to focus most if not all the time and effort on reality to guide their actions and assure they are as productive and efficient as possible.  Meanwhile, the predators and parasites can spend full time dreaming up ways to steal from they producers without letting them catch on what suckers they are, or how craven and diabolical they are.  And do remember, the producers were driven insane in childhood too, so they're not especially well prepared to understand they're just prey to be consumed by human predators and parasites.
Will the producers wake up?  Extremely unlikely.  Not in sufficient numbers.  Almost certainly, humans are finished.  Humans probably could have amounted to more than a hill of beans in this universe, maybe even something spectacular, but instead flushed themselves down the toilet.  Too many sheeple-chimps, too little honesty, ethics, individualism, independence, benevolence.

from comments on zh

Friday, April 19, 2013


Simplicity isn't necessarily simple to achieve. It requires eliminating virtually everything we are "processed" to want and need for personhood, and accepting the intrinsic complexity of meaningful projects.

Follow up to work=sress... here on zh

Thursday, April 18, 2013

work = stress

I talk to hundreds of people in my practice, and I want to share with you an observation that I have made. With all the media attention lately on the fact that America has hit 90 million people who are not in the workforce, I see very little being written, asking the big question, WHY?

It is easy to say that the main reason is the entitlement culture affords people the ability to not have to work, but I am hearing the real reason is STRESS. People are reluctant to admit that they just can’t take the pressure anymore of day-to-day living, and the biggest way to relieve stress is to not work.

Think about how our culture is now structured for the average adult: STRESS, everywhere you look--commuting in horrible traffic, as you want to scream in frustration--money stress, to pay rent/house note, tuition, utilities, gas, insurances, vacations, cable bill, rising food costs, and on and on and on--stress from family problems, divorce, delinquency, drugs, crime, infidelity, keeping up with the Jones, etc.

People have too high an expectation of what they should have out of life, and get overly stressed over it all. How does all of this manifest itself? A prescription drug culture (Zoloft, Xanax, etc.) that tricks people into thinking a pill will knock back the stress, when these drugs, in my opinion, only make things worse.

I am hearing more and more that people just want to drop out from it all, as they are reaching a breaking point, and have decided less income and dependency on entitlements will reduce their stress, and is not so humiliating, so giving up working becomes more acceptable, to KEEP ONE’S SANITY.

I know I am correct, from the feedback I hear every day, and the financial media does not see this like I hear it every day. People don't want to admit that they are too weak to deal with stress, so the financial pundits are not aware of this critical factor because they don't talk to Joe Sixpack.

The government can stimulate all they want, but the unemployment/job problem will not improve because the root cause is not being recognized. We have built a culture that is far too stressful for millions of folks, so they do what they must for their mental sanity, by removing the stress of work. It matters not what level of pay they may earn, because their mental health is more critical than high income.

More and more, it is like a spiritual awakening, as people realize chasing after materialism was making them crazy with anxiety and stress. They find not working, and downsizing their expectations, makes it easier to cope with all the other aspects of living.

From zh

Friday, April 5, 2013

Game Plan - pt2

Post WWII, but perhaps earlier, it was realised that Gold must be removed from the financial system. The excuse given was that it impaired the Banking Systems' ability to expand and therefore protection 'US' from future crises (Keynesianism). A lie which even the bankers bought into...why wouldn’t they?!
The real reason Gold was systematically removed from the financial system (Globally) was to place it even deeper into the financial system (LOL). A Gold Standard is akin to Gold acting like the mortar between the financial bricks of the Global Economic Building however, removing the Gold simply meant that Gold then flowed into private vaults of the same entities who owned the Gold within Central Bank vaults in the first place. They merely relocated the financial strength.
The Gold was replaced by 'Promise To Pay' and it flowed into the foundations on which the entire building is built (BIS etc). In this way, the building can be knocked down and rebuilt, using the foundations over and over again. The Gold never left the structure at all, it was merely reassigned.
So, instead of Gold being used as the mortar between the bricks of the Global Economic Building, we have 'Good Will', and good will can be expanded easily...but it can also erode just as quickly (faith). This is why we will either see a Global Financial Reboot, or, they will push Gold back up into the Mortar (Bond backing).
In essence, the removal of Gold meant that the nature of the system transformed from 'Fixed' to 'Recyclable', so long as the foundations are retained.
I don't envisage Gold as money, or currency, or even wealth, that's too rigid. It's like a Stem Cell; it can be grown into other things.
Just because Gold may re-enter the system doesn’t mean ownership changes.
Also, don’t think that Central Bank Gold Reserves being leased out is criminal, because the entities who own the Central Banks are the same people who are leasing the Gold, as well as all the intermediaries in-between.
So what’s happening in Cyprus? Well, Cyprus is the very first indicator of two things, they are;
1. That currency really isn’t owned by the depositor and is in fact owned by the representative Central Bank, and in turn, by the owning Banks, and in turn again, by the mob I discussed originally.
2. That the Global Central Banking cartel has blocked all the exits by taking over every other Central Bank in the world, or is very close to it.
“Give me the power to issue a nation's money; then I do not care who makes the law” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild
And that about all there is to it.
I wonder if a ‘Promise To pay’ includes food rations?

Game Plan

Yeah, the more I read the bigger this whole game is…and it really is a game of winner takes all.
You have many factions woven into several layers within the game. There are the countries around the world, there are the major financial infrastructures, there are the superrich entities, and there are the banking entities which stitch the layers together…which makes sense.
The best way to think of them and how they interact is by way of a Venn Diagram (below), then this will all make much more sense.
Take a simple Venn Diagram with 3 overlapping circles (A + B +C). Note that there are a total of 8 sectors including space outside the circles.
Let’s say that;
A = Are the countries of the world
B = Are the major financial infrastructures of the world
C = Are the banking entities of the world
The next layer is where just two of the major players overlap;
A/B = Military Industrial Complex and Major Corporations
B/C = Central Banks
C/A = Major Banks
You can now see how every entity is affected by every other entity, to varying degrees!
There is also another sector, right at the centre. This is the Superrich entities who own most of the real assets on the planet, such as a vast majority of Military Industrial Complex, the Major Corporations and the Major Banks, as well as most of the natural resources. Since the Major Banks own the Central Banks, then the Superrich own the Central Banks as well.
Now here is where it starts to get a little grey…..
Who is at the centre?
Well, there are at least three types of Superrich entities, they are;
1.       The ultra-wealthy families who have had money since at least the 1700s’. These families are well known historically but they are very well hidden today, so too is their money (Gold and something else).
2.       The Oil wealthy such as the Arab states. These are newcomers to the centre and their future is tied-up with the prosperity of their countries; if the country falls, so do they.
3.       The Oligarchical wealthy. More newcomers who have recently emerged from the end of the Cold War. These include most of the families which prospered from the Military Industrial Complex, like the [George] Bushs’, and Mafia type Oligarchs like Putin and his KGB mates.
Ok, so that paints a picture of how all the visible entities fit together…..but there’s another layer. This is a very, very well hidden layer.
Imagine that the Venn Diagram (the whole world) is drawn on a single piece of paper, well, who owns that piece of paper???
I believe that the next and final layer doesn’t really have a name…but I’ll call them the Custodians! The Custodians essentially won 80% of the world between the 1300’s and 1700’s. They comprise of many or most of the Ultra-Wealthy entities dating back as far as the Black Venetian Nobility, the Templars, the Teutonic Templars, the Vatican, and later entities such as the Rothschild family.
On the Venn Diagram these Custodians own most of the paper as well as the entire centre sector of the Venn Diagram.
These Custodians own vast, vast sums of wealth, accumulated over centuries. I believe the sums would be in excess of $700 Trillion. HOWEVER, this figure is not a Dollar figure, or a Yuan figure, or even a Euro figure and this is why…
When Rothschild created the Central Banking System he also created a layering of the system where, the Major Banks in each country owned the Central Banks from whom they borrowed the money. BUT, as with all systems it is built upon a network, and in the case of the Banking System and the entire Global Financial System it is built upon a framework (network) which is 100% owned by these Ultra-Wealthy elite families. It has been this way since the end of the Napoleonic War, where, Napoleon threatened the entire European Banking System as he believed in a Bank of France which lent money at 0% interest…he hated Banks, and Banks hated him!
So the real question is, what is the framework, what is the network???
The Custodial Framework
United Nations - Global Police
World Bank - Global Lender
International Monetary Fund - Global Debt Collector
Intelligence - Custodial Eyes & Ears (Mi6, Mi5, CIA, MSS, Mossad, FSB {KGB}, SIS, CSIS, ASIS, DCRI, BND etc)
Power & Control Centres - US Council on Foreign Relations, European Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Trilateral Commission etc.
Main Stream Media - Global Propaganda
Hollywood - Global Propaganda and epicentre for Alternative/Pagan/Kabbalic/Ancient Mystery Religious interests.
The Custodial Network
Bank for International Settlements - Global Banking Computer Network for the movement and transfer of Global Currencies (the Back Bone)
London Bullion Market Association - Physical distribution and controlling agency of Gold (real wealth)
Central banking Network - Physical distribution and controlling agency of Global Currencies (medium of exchange for services, goods and labour)
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries – Global distributor and controlling agency of Global Oil (consumable real wealth)
What you must understand is that Currencies are merely a medium of exchange but Gold is real wealth and Oil is consumable real wealth. Oil is a type of hybrid between Currencies and Gold, this is why Oil States sell Oil in Currency (US Dollars) but there is always a payment in physical Gold as well. Oil has a usable function, Gold has a storable function, currency is merely a rate of exchange. You can think of Currency in terms of energy, Currency isn’t the fuel, Currency is merely the calorific value of the fuel being burned.

By the very nature of both the framework and the network, we can have a complete and total collapse of the Global Financial System and the Custodians don’t lose a single penny as they can simple create a brand new system at the click of a finger…new Currencies, new Bonds, new Banks, new Political systems….new everything….a brand new farm! This is because they own the machinery to make farms as well as the technology to do so.

People talk about a coming New World Order. If you believe what I have written you will see that it’s not coming at all, it’s already here, and has been here for perhaps 300 years. What they are talking about is merely the next cycle within the existing NWO…nothing more!

If you believe this, then for you the truth is revealed; that the threat of a coming NWO is a False Flag event. It is a deliberate misdirection to distract you from the truth hidden in plain view. If you believe that a NWO may be coming, then by definition, you believe that a NWO cannot currently exist. This is precisely what they want you to believe. They do not want you to realize that the NWO has already been implemented incrementally over the past 300 years and especially since the propagation of the Global Central Banking Cartel whose greatest achievements were the Bank of England, the United States Federal Reserve System, and the Eurozone (including European Central Bank).

There is of course one thing which they cannot create at the click of a finger…Gold!

When financial systems collapse the wealth transfer goes into Gold, which then becomes the store of wealth until a new system is put in place, then, the wealth transfer goes back into the new financial system. So, owning Gold is owning a piece of the next financial system, not the current financial system…get it? This is when Gold is most potent.

For this reason, every time the financial system becomes fragile, every entity always runs to Gold. Often they don’t really understand as to why, but they do nonetheless.

The real reason as to importance of Gold is very, very simple. Gold doesn’t sit within the Global Financial System itself, it sits outside the system (outside the Venn Circles), resting on the blank white paper which is mostly owned by the Ultra-Wealthy. In visible terms it is like the ‘Construct’ in the movie the Matrix, something which underpins the false reality which is created upon it.

To own Gold is to own both a commodity which is assigned a Currency value as well as a piece of the next framework, a piece of the next network. Everything else is which is going on is just noise and distractions to the masses….’Bread and Circuses’.

Currently, we are seeing suppression in Gold. I believe the reasoning behind this is to buy-time, enough time so that the framework and network have sufficient Gold reserves to restart the system and a long enough period of time so that the Gold buying is invisible to the general public, so as to avoid a panic or ‘run’. In any case, the next cycle is inevitable and it is coming whether we like it or not, or whether we are prepared or not.

From zerohedge

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Human Farming

Human Farming: The Story of Your Enslavement
This is the story of your enslavement; how it came to be and how you can finally be free.
Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them. At first, we mostly hunted and fished and ate off the land - but then something magical and terrible happened to our minds.
We became, alone among the animals, afraid of death, and of future loss. And this was the start of a great tragedy, and an even greater possibility…
You see, when we became afraid of death, of injury and imprisonment, we became controllable — and so valuable — in a way that no other resource could ever be.
The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land — but other human beings.
You can frighten an animal, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, or with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow.
You cannot threaten a cow with torture, or a sheep with death. You cannot swing a sword at a tree and scream at it to produce more fruit, or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat.
You cannot get more eggs by threatening a hen – but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him.
Human farming has been the most profitable — and destructive — occupation throughout history and it is now reaching its destructive climax.
Human society can not be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.
Some people get confused because governments provide healthcare and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work.
Nothing could be further from reality.
Farmers provide healthcare and irrigation and training to their livestock.
Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our government protects our freedoms.
But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields — and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk.
In your country, your tax farm, your tax farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits.
Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?
There have been four major phases of human farming:

PHASE ONE: Direct and Brutal Slavery in Ancient Egypt

The first phase, slavery in ancient Egypt, was direct and brutal human compulsion. Human bodies were controlled, but the creative productivity of the human mind remained outside the reach of the whip and the brand and the shackles. Slaves remained woefully under productive, and required enormous resources to control.

PHASE TWO: Roman Slaves Are Free to Show A Modicum of Ingenuity

The second phase was the Roman model, wherein slaves were granted some capacity for freedom, ingenuity and creativity, which raised their productivity. This increased the wealth of Rome, and thus the tax income of the Roman government – and with this additional wealth, Rome became an empire, destroying the economic freedoms that fed its power, and collapsed.
I’m sure that this does not seem entirely unfamiliar.

PHASE THREE: Feudal Serfdom

After the collapse of Rome, the feudal serfdom model introduced the concept of livestock ownership and taxation. Instead of being directly owned,peasants and serfs farmed land that they could retain as long as they paid off the local warlords. This model broke down due to the continual subdivision of productive farm land, and was destroyed during the Enclosure movement, when land was consolidated and hundreds of thousands of serfs were kicked off their ancestral lands, because new farming techniques made larger farms more productive with fewer people.
The increased productivity of the late Middle Ages created the excess food required for the expansion of towns and cities, which in turn gave rise to the modern Democratic model of human ownership.
As displaced serfs and peasants flooded into the cities, a huge stock of cheap human capital became available to the rising industrialists – and theruling class of human farmers quickly realized that they could make more money by letting their human livestock choose their own occupations.

PHASE FOUR: The Democratic Model

Under the Democratic model, direct slave ownership has been replaced by the Mafia model. The Mafia rarely owns businesses directly, but rather sends thugs around once a month to steal from the business “owners.”
You are now allowed to choose your own occupation, which raises your productivity – and thus the taxes you can pay to your masters.
Your few freedoms are preserved because they are profitable to your owners.
The great challenge of the Democratic model is that increases in wealth and freedom threaten the tax farmer. The ruling classes initially profit from a relatively free market in capital and labor, but as their human livestock become more used to their freedoms and growing wealth, they begin to question why they need rulers at all.
Ah well. Nobody ever said that human farming was easy.
Keeping human livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process.
Phase One: Indoctrination
The first phase is to indoctrinate the young through government “education.” As the wealth of democratic countries grew, government schools were universally inflicted in order to control the thoughts and souls of the livestock.
Phase Two: Division
The second phase is to turn citizens against each other through the creation of dependent livestock.
It is very difficult to rule human beings directly through force — and where it can be achieved, it remains cripplingly under productive, as can be seen inNorth Korea. Human beings do not breed well or produce efficiently in direct captivity.
If human beings believe that they are free, then they will produce much more for their farmers.
The best way to maintain this illusion of freedom is to put some of the livestock on the payroll of the farmer.
Those cows that become dependent on the existing hierarchy will then attack any other cows who point out the violence, hypocrisy and immorality of human ownership.
Freedom is slavery, and slavery is freedom.
If you can get the cows to attack each other whenever anybody brings up the reality of their situation, then you don’t have to spend nearly as much controlling them directly.
Those cows who become dependent upon the stolen largess of the farmer will violently oppose any questioning of the virtue of human ownership — and the intellectual and artistic classes, always and forever dependent upon the farmers — will say, to anyone who demands freedom from human ownership: “You will harm your fellow cows.”
The human livestock are kept enclosed by shifting the moral responsibility for the destructiveness of a violent system of slavery to those who demand real freedom.
Phase Three: Fear
The Third Phase is to invent continual external threats, so that the frightened human cattle cling to the “protection” of the human farmers.
This system of human farming is now nearing its end.
The terrible tragedy of the modern American system has occurred not in spite of, but because of past economic freedoms.
The massive increases in American wealth throughout the 19th century resulted from economic freedom — and it was this very increase in wealth that fed the size and power of the state.
Whenever the livestock become exponentially more productive, you get a corresponding increase in the number of farmers and their dependents.
The growth of the state is always proportional to the preceding economic freedoms.
Economic freedom creates wealth, and the wealth attracts more thieves and political parasites, whose greed then destroys the economic freedom.
In other words, freedom metastasizes the cancer of the state.
The government that starts off the smallest will always end up the largest.
This is why there can be no viable and sustainable alternative to a truly free and peaceful society.
A society without political rulers, without human ownership, without the violence of taxation and statism
To be truly free is both very easy, and very hard.
We avoid the horror of our enslavement because it is painful to see it directly.
We dance around the violence of our dying system because we fear the attacks of our fellow livestock.
But we can only be kept in the cages we refuse to see.
Wake up…
To see the farm is to leave it.

Also see Freedomain Radio

Humans as Livestock

Humans as Livestock
by Paul Bonneau
1.paulbx1 -+at+- dfgh.net
Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise
Stefan Molyneux has put out a remarkable video that takes a look at the human condition. It explains why many of us have been feeling like we are being treated like livestock lately. Human society is a farm, with the ruling class as the farmers and the rest of us as cattle.
Outside of a quibble about his treatment of religion, I think he has hit the nail on the head. The ruling class may well look at us as cattle; but on the other hand, we look at the ruling class as parasites, don't we? Too bad the ruling class owns the indoctrination centers (government schools); but different ways of looking at the world still leak out, particularly today with the Internet, as Molyneux' video demonstrates. Please propagate it further.
We can take the farm analogy a little further. My wife owns a herd of horses for her dude ranch; but not a single stallion, because a stallion is too much trouble, too wild, impossible to derive income from. The farm/ranch has various tools to turn stallions into geldings, which are then much easier to control. What are the corresponding tools in human society, for emasculating us, dehorning us, etc? Government schools are the primary example (replacing simple enforced ignorance, a livestock management tool used previously). Gun control is another.
Farms have fences, corrals and chutes, to keep animals in, keep them out of certain areas, direct them into certain places and hold them. The human equivalent? Laws and jails. And the equivalent of a farm fencing crew is the legislature.
Another form of fencing is personal debt.
Of course analogies break down at some point. A real fencing crew does the minimum possible (due to cost and effort) to control animals, and even removes fences occasionally; while the legislature seems to have little natural disincentive to produce ever more laws.
A good farmer tries to inspect and keep his animals healthy, so as to maximize their productivity. And we see the same behavior in the ruling class with their silly seatbelt laws, smoking bans, "war on some drugs", TSA groping, road blocks and so forth.
Strangely though, the ruling class is also the largest waster of human life, through wars and internal police predation. How to reconcile this urge they have to "care" for us with their tendency to waste our lives? Well, maybe it is "culling the herd", getting rid of troublemakers, and so forth. Perhaps, in wars, we are used for sport as well; just as animals may be so used. The main connection between these two tendencies of the ruling class, though, is that they own us.
As Molyneux points out, knowledge of the way the world works is a good antidote to this control. Another I would recommend is simple lawbreaking.
Now, everybody does this to some extent; for example, exceeding the speed limit. But these freedom muscles need more exercise than that. Why is it, for example, that the first thing new homeschoolers want to do, is register with the state—the same entity they are escaping from? This is plain silly.
Everyone needs to find some laws to ignore—and it's not as if there is not a vast array of immoral or unconstitutional or just plain perverse laws to choose from. This course not without risk, but often the risk is quite minimal. Just as the farmer counts on the cow's cooperation to stay inside the fence (few fences could stand against a determined cow), the ruling class depends on the cooperation of human cattle to stay within narrowly defined bounds, so they can most efficiently parasitize us. Well then, stop cooperating. The fences start to have larger and larger holes in them, that the fencing crews cannot keep up with.
There was an animated movie years ago called Chicken Run, where one chicken named Ginger tries to organize a mass escape from the farm. A line in that movie has stayed with me. It's when Ginger is trying to talk her reluctant compatriots into escaping. She says, "You know what the problem is. The fences aren't just 'round the farm. They're up here—in your heads."

Friday, February 1, 2013

Speciesism... look it up!


We all suffer from the human condition. Therefore, speciesism is to a certain extent definitional of what it means to be human. Still as Animal Liberation activists, Vegans and Earth defenders any steps forward we can take to recognize and uproot are own personal biases towards all life outside of the human world is a positive step to take. Our belief in our species supremacy is far larger than any other prejudice we harbor. It’s worth noting that even in our day to day speech we use so many derogatory terms for Animals that we eat but when it comes to wild and predatory Animals we like to pretend we are kindred souls (so says the ALF ‘Lone Wolf’). A gluttonous person may be referred to as a Pig, while a strong man may be equated with a Bear. A person of ill repute may be considered a low down dirty dog, while a courageous person is said to be lionhearted. There are so many of these negative connotations related to ‘food’ and ‘pet’ Animals and so many of these grand ones ascribed to wild predatory Animals that our supremacist mentality even bleeds through in our speech. Deep down we human beings view ourselves as the most fearsome and cunning predator, the most majestic of creatures. Unfortunately the actual evidence points more towards a scavenger and parasite among all other sentient life. We are a most successful cancer.
One time I was arguing with a flesh eater at a table where I was doing Vegan outreach. I said “your not a ‘meat eater’. Animals that eat meat do so on the spot of their kill. humans eat Animals that are several days dead that someone else killed and packaged! that is the definition of a scavenger!” I immediately saw the wind go out of this persons sails. ‘Meat eater’ sounds powerful and predatory. Whereas, scavenger invokes personal feelings of opportunism and mental pictures of buzzards. But it’s the truth nevertheless. Just like the white slave holders that profited off of slavery and death, they then turn around and attempt to magnify the brutality of others in a feeble tryst to assuage their guilt over their own insipid wickedness!
In this article I’m going to delve into the words and concepts of human supremacy, anthropomorphism and speciesism and many of the attitudes, behaviors and ways of thinking they encompass. I will be doing so not from a dictionary definition or a classroom tutorial of these words and concepts but from an Animal and Earth centric perspective. I am writing from the perspective of one that believes with every fiber of his being that Animals are better than people and I make no attempt at objectivity. On the contrary, I mean to assert the premise that the entire civilization as we know it along with it’s flesh eating human cancer are a plague…. Alright then, lets get started, shall we.
Human centeredness- is the mentality that most people have fashioned their outlooks around. We typically see things in terms of there relation first to ourselves, then towards the ones we love, then in larger and further reaching social circles such as our neighborhood, city, state, country or the entire human race. Where exactly we place our personal or cultural circles of compassion varies from person to person, place to place and from time to time. Inner species compassion seems to be as far as compassion goes for even the most altruistic of folks, even in theory. Truth be told, most people consider it a success to get themselves and their immediate family through each day in one piece. Contrary to our idealism the world is a dangerous place. Not only for us but for all that live. Survival dictates that even if we wish goodwill to all life, in all forms, it’s not really plausible to love all. Interests between one and another are often at odds, nature herself does not seem willing to allow the lion to lay with the lamb, hence struggle is the price of admission. That’s not to say that all is fight, fuck or flee. Cooperation, and random acts of kindness abound everywhere there is life. It makes good biological sense to get along to the greatest degree possible.
The problem with human centeredness is in it’s imbalance and ferocity. The human animal has become better than any other Animal at manipulating their surroundings. It is this collective ability alone that has made us able to completely dominate, confine and manipulate everything from the atom to the Animals. Having this amount of power along with the ability to ascribe ethical principles like ‘right and wrong’, or ‘good and evil’ gives us a far greater responsibility to consider future consequences to our actions. Do the negative ramifications vs. positive results of our encroachments exceed what is just and equitable to the other species inhabiting the area?  What will be the result to the next seven generations? Of course no one since the indigenous peoples populated the land has cared to live by such scruples, no. Today we are ready to murder every non human inhabitant on the planet and the planet herself for the most petty and ridiculous reasons. To try and understand why people get sad feelings (depression) we will support the absolute torture and sadism against primates to try and induce a similar response. If we had one scintilla of compassion for life we would not want anything to hurt like we hurt. Our self interest is so ravenous that most people would easily support the murder of 100,000 cats and dogs to save one human life, or even more accurately for the remote possibility of enhancing one human life. In short the problem with our species self centeredness is it’s the only one causing uncountable and unimaginable pain, suffering and destruction to everything in it’s path. Which in this case happens to be the entire Earth and everything on Her, in Her, and around Her.
Every contemporary school of thought, world religion and politic is oozing with human supremacy. Briefly skimming the works of the great evolutionist Charles Darwin’s we find in his book ‘The Descent of Man’, that for all his brilliant observations he has completely contrived a hierarchy of species where man is not only at the top but apparently white ‘civilized’ European man. Why our ability to think in the abstract or conceptualize is more wondrous than a Wolfs ability to smell disease or age in it’s preys paw print is never explained. Why our ‘complex’ language is anymore wondrous than a Dolphins ability to speak to another Dolphin miles away and underwater without the aid of device is never pondered, no. Everything human is just inherently spectacular. Actually our natural gifts and attributes are not spectacular, everything in existence has amazing abilities and talents peculiar to itself. The only thing amazing about humans is our capacity for cruelty. Much modern day science still adheres to the myth of humans as prime creatures. Ignoring the fact that brilliance is no precursor to any other ruling species that this planet has seen in it’s long, long history.
Politically, capitalism and communism have been the recently dominant ideologies of contemporary international society. Both are just two sides to the same coin. That coin being industrialism. everything in the natural world becomes a commodity or natural resource to slash, burn, compress, destroy and obliterate so that factories and business can continue buzzing along. In tandem with industry comes consumption. Consumerism is the belly that eats the products of Earth and Animal death. Industry is the supplier. Exploitation of human labor is the middleman between the two. Everything else about national and global politics is just which style of being fucked the people of that region enjoy the most. Politicians of every, and any ideology, will never save the Earth because they are all to busy with wholly human constructs.
Anthropocentric/Anthropomorphic – Anthropocentricism is when we equate things to a human understanding and aesthetic because we cant imagine the otherness of what we are looking at. Anthropocentricism is often a tactic we used to avoid the concentration, observation and time that it takes to truly empathize or understand a being with vast differences than ourselves. When we think that a snake should enjoy a piece of tofu because that’s what we enjoy and we really wish that all Animals would adhere to our Vegan ethics we are being anthropocentric. This actually is a very elementary example. More complex and much more responsible for our human supremist mentality is religion. The material universe is huge. Larger than any reasonable person can honestly fathom. We are  nowhere near unlocking  the mysteries that exist here on Mother Earth let alone the nearly infinite multiverse.
But thanks to anthropocentricism we have shrunk ‘god’ down to a grand babysitter and father figure to humanity. And conveniently enough god is usually depicted as a male human figure, at least in the world religions. Furthermore, so called holy books such as the bible and the quran go out of there way to highlight the absolutely sanctified and righteous place humanity has is the eyes of god. In the bible the very first chapter has Adam the alleged first man naming all the animals and being ordained by god to be their steward and do with them as he wishes. It goes so far as to say that’s the reason they were created! Everything was put here purposefully for our use, how convenient for us. Adams first children Cain and Abel end badly with Cain killing Abel. Apparently they were both sending burnt offerings to god and Cain’s was not accepted because his did not contain animal flesh, Abel’s was accepted because the sweet smell of burning death was pleasing to god.
In the quran Adam is brought to the heavens where all beings are told to bow down before him. The angels ask god if he seriously intends to hand the Earth over to a being that will surely destroy it. Quickly enough however they bow, all except for Satan. He, according to the tale was the only being in all creation that refused to bow down to man.
Still to this day devils are always depicted with Animal heads or cloven hoofed. The anthropomorphic subliminal message being that Animals equate with evil. While beings like cherubim are angelic happy human babies, always of european descent I might add.
In science, through philosophy into the realm of religion we see our imaginary ladder of species with us proudly at the top. Speicieism so clouds our judgment that we have an entirely warped and bias sense of empathy towards Animals. We think that ‘circus Animals’ (as if their purpose in existence is to amuse us) are happy because they get so much attention. A rape victim gets plenty of attention too. They both get negative attention and beaten if they do not perform correctly. We like to think that Animals at the zoo are lucky because they get free food and a place to stay. People say the same thing about us prisoners. Why we’re so lucky to be locked in cages we should just be praising our good fortune! as if the most basic of care is a substitute for freedom. We like to think that “service Animals” like the horses that drag fat ass tourists around city streets were bred for pulling and wouldn’t be happy otherwise. Just like they said about the African slaves in the south not to many years ago. We think things like; Cows and Chickens ‘give us’ their milk and eggs. Without even entertaining the thought of verification we assume that we are the good Samaritans alleviating the pressure in a cows utters with every drink of milk we take.
At the end of the day anthropocentricism and human centeredness are subsidiaries of what has come to be known amongst Animal Rights folks as specieism. we are not perfect either and hold many supremacist beliefs ourselves. For instance when we stop our activism with our Vegan diet we like to believe that we are saving hundreds of lives, blocking out the fact that 99 out of 100 children born will not become Vegan. Putting yourself as that one Vegan out of one hundred means that in actuality your diet didn’t even slow the tide of Animal cruelty. We like to believe that we are doing our part because we wore a shirt professing our Veganism and some people saw it, and maybe one day they will go Vegan because they witnessed Animal cruelty, and then remembered your shirt, and then found the humane society online and went raw Vegan, and then wrote a letter to their congressperson…. Then again they might just think ‘look a tree hugger in a powder blue ‘Vegan’ shirt.
Please don’t misconstrue, I know that those of us that have compassion, went Vegan, and are doing the hard work of real world activism for our furry friends are on the right path and we are doing infinitely more than the standard western consumer. The point I am asserting is that we have a vast amount of progress and ground yet to cover. Until the death toll of Animals in food production, fur, vivisection, entertainment and all other facets of human consumerism starts to level out and then begins to recede, none of us are doing enough. Combating the attitudes and nuisances of human centeredness is not just a matter of philosophy and word play, These streams of consciousness dictate our activist initiatives and the longer we fail to recognize them and root them out within ourselves the more susceptible we become as an entire movement to getting off track.
The human politicking and education that exists in the Animals Rights struggle is vital and necessary but must never become the collective primary focus! Saving actual Animals and making real world (their world) progress is our mandate. Remember, unlike other social justice causes that have preceded Animal/Earth Liberation, It’s not about us. To truly win against the holocaust that Animals suffer means a selfless form of sacrifice. A thankless form of activism that most people will not find fulfilling so long as they stay human centric. At times the tasks we have before us as the human fighters and voice for Animals put us in direct conflict with the human world, we become species traitors when we fight against our own. Of course it’s a small group of Animal activists that are even advanced enough in their understanding to know that what we stand for is diametrically opposed to human progress.
Most flesh eaters intuitively understand that to truly equate Animals with humans is to undermine the way practically everything is built, made, manufactured and understood. They find the whole premise absurd because to do otherwise would involve radical levels of change and destruction to the existing order. It’s perfectly commendable to keep your activism for Animals and the Earth as approachable to people as you can. As I said in the beginning it makes good biological, and in this case advertising sense to do so, but do not be fooled. Without underground resistance the Animals will always get sold out to human interests. Especially with the prestige that comes with being a board member or academic voice for the mainstream.
Those in the mainstream that openly bad mouth groups like the ALF and ARM have chosen property over life and human appeal over the critters they are suppose to represent. A notorious Vegan activist once said ‘It’s not a choice between a child or the dog’. And if it comes down to that it would only be reasonable to choose the child. I say if it’s a choice between humans and the Earth, to hell with the people and long live the planet! if a stranger and a dog are drowning, I’ll save the dog. In return I’m sure to get more loyalty, unconditional love and satisfaction for breaking the speciesist threshold.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Drug Money

Think about it – a substance which makes one feel good, promotes a feeling of well-being and confidence…..what is the problem with that?
The problem, as I explained to all my teenagers, is not that drugs are inherently bad per se, it is the medium to long term consequences of drug use that inevitably leave one worse off and forces one to make decisions one would not normally make e.g. selling your mother’s wedding ring for drug money.
Like the good pseudo-parents they are, the governments have (probably correctly) stepped in and outlawed drugs and their use. But there are other substances which also make one feel good, promote a feeling of well-being and confidence but is just as dangerous. With this substance the government does NOT limit use but promotes it! It is in fact the grower and distributor!
What is this stuff? Hint …. Comes in two flavours: money (present money) and credit (future money).
Our pseudo parents, the governments, are money pushers and we are the junkies. They have encouraged their “children” to take up the habit. Thus, we have all become addicts, the world is one big “needle park” and we are so habituated that any call to limit its creation is met with derision. The fiscal cliff, which should be renamed ‘last stop before insanity,' was merely an attempt by the “Salvation Army” to limit our addiction, to put a boundary on how much longer we can go on without consequence.
The governments have driven interest rates to near zero as well. What does this mean? Interest rates are like an automatic ship stabiliser. If the economy tilts too much towards credit, interest rates go up, telling the economy that there is too much credit in the system and vice versa. If the economy tilts too much towards present money, interest rates fall basically indicating there can be more credit money in the system. When governments subvert this indicator by effectively switching it off by artificially driving rates to near zero, there is no way to tell the correct mix of credit and money in the system. This suits the government, they know they have too much credit in the system (especially their own bonds) and they know that there is so much other credit in the system that any Volker-like move to raise rates to correct the imbalance would send the economy into another Great Depression. Thus they distort the present money/ future money balance to suit their and our short term avoidance of pain all at the expense of the medium and long term. Lyrics from Hotel California spring to mind, “you can check out any time you like but you can never leave”.
At time of writing I don’t know how the debt ceiling will turn out but I am eerily calm about it, the government, the ”pusher” of money, is not going to stop “pushing”. And the medium to long term consequences of this money and credit creation to solve a previous “money and credit creation” problem will be disastrous for so many. Why? It will result in high inflation and probably more likely the serious strain, stagflation. Imagine 20% unemployment, 20 % inflation and 1% interest rates. How would you protect wealth and savings?
The upshot of this scenario would be even more severe wealth inequality as a lucky few closest to the government spigots would benefit “oligarch style”. Hardest hit will be the middle class, the working mule of society, as inflation or stagflation tightens its stranglehold. The ultimate sadness will be taken to its logical conclusion; we will have a great depression anyway, in million dollar units instead of 10 dollar units.
So if our money junkie pseudo-parents, the government, have no regard for our medium to long term well-being, why stop at money?  Legalise drugs! Don’t pretend to have our interests at heart in one important area of our lives, our health and not in the other important area of our lives, our wealth.
From zerohedge