Saturday, June 16, 2012

Parasitic lies in Greece

The Euro was hatched by the same vermin who scam and control every other monetary system on Earth. Everything they touch rots. Including the Euro. It was never intended to streamline currencies, but to make it easier for parasites to collect.
Would you advise anyone to buy or keep rotting food? Then why are you trying to salvage a rotting currency that only feeds monetary maggots? It's the same cabal feeding off all the rot all the time, why do you want to keep feeding them?
Parasites feed off healthy tissue and the maggots take over after the healthy tissue can no longer function. Parasites by nature cannot survive without leeching off something else, which often dies. We are looking at just that on a massive scale. The big mistake was letting parasites control commerce and growth. They simply can't. They only want to confiscate money through control. That is, to leech off everyone else's work and money.
The drachma worked just fine for 3,000 years, and the sooner the Greeks stop taking orders from parasites the better for them. I still can't believe they are so stupid as to think someone else will provide for them. For this they fought the Turks for independence? What independence? They were better off under the Ottomans.  Now they have turned into welfare queens.
If they need a handbook for financial independence they can call up somebody in Iceland. If they choose to listen to parasitic lies they can expect more of the same. As can we all.

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