Friday, April 5, 2013

Game Plan - pt2

Post WWII, but perhaps earlier, it was realised that Gold must be removed from the financial system. The excuse given was that it impaired the Banking Systems' ability to expand and therefore protection 'US' from future crises (Keynesianism). A lie which even the bankers bought into...why wouldn’t they?!
The real reason Gold was systematically removed from the financial system (Globally) was to place it even deeper into the financial system (LOL). A Gold Standard is akin to Gold acting like the mortar between the financial bricks of the Global Economic Building however, removing the Gold simply meant that Gold then flowed into private vaults of the same entities who owned the Gold within Central Bank vaults in the first place. They merely relocated the financial strength.
The Gold was replaced by 'Promise To Pay' and it flowed into the foundations on which the entire building is built (BIS etc). In this way, the building can be knocked down and rebuilt, using the foundations over and over again. The Gold never left the structure at all, it was merely reassigned.
So, instead of Gold being used as the mortar between the bricks of the Global Economic Building, we have 'Good Will', and good will can be expanded easily...but it can also erode just as quickly (faith). This is why we will either see a Global Financial Reboot, or, they will push Gold back up into the Mortar (Bond backing).
In essence, the removal of Gold meant that the nature of the system transformed from 'Fixed' to 'Recyclable', so long as the foundations are retained.
I don't envisage Gold as money, or currency, or even wealth, that's too rigid. It's like a Stem Cell; it can be grown into other things.
Just because Gold may re-enter the system doesn’t mean ownership changes.
Also, don’t think that Central Bank Gold Reserves being leased out is criminal, because the entities who own the Central Banks are the same people who are leasing the Gold, as well as all the intermediaries in-between.
So what’s happening in Cyprus? Well, Cyprus is the very first indicator of two things, they are;
1. That currency really isn’t owned by the depositor and is in fact owned by the representative Central Bank, and in turn, by the owning Banks, and in turn again, by the mob I discussed originally.
2. That the Global Central Banking cartel has blocked all the exits by taking over every other Central Bank in the world, or is very close to it.
“Give me the power to issue a nation's money; then I do not care who makes the law” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild
And that about all there is to it.
I wonder if a ‘Promise To pay’ includes food rations?

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